At KEC, giving back to the society and helping to make it stronger, especially during challenging times, is an important facet of our business operations. As we continue our endeavour to ‘Touch Lives’ of our stakeholders, driving their holistic empowerment remains at the core of our corporate philosophy. We are committed to creating maximum positive impact by envisioning a better tomorrow for the communities we operate in and the stakeholders we work with.
In line with the RPG Group’s CSR Vision, our society-centric projects are aimed at facilitating development and sustainable growth in communities through initiatives that are directed towards Education, Employability, Community Development and Heritage Conservation. We also encourage our employees to make a meaningful difference through participation in various volunteering initiatives that are aimed at achieving societal development. We are committed towards contributing to the socioeconomic development of local communities through creation of employment opportunities.
By identifying the need of providing students with access to high-quality education and promote English literacy, our Education vertical Pehlay Akshar Foundation is working towards improving learning outcomes to ensure a better future for our students. Pehlay Akshar Foundation partners with Governments to create “Safe Spaces” and implement programs that change the way students learn and the way teachers teach in school. Over the past 12+ years, Pehlay Akshar Foundation has worked to ensure every child has access to a holistic education that prepares them for the 21st-century workplace. For more information, please Visit :
Through our Swayam program, we work towards helping women & youth from less privileged sections to get employment through skill training specialized programs. Swayam programs cover a wide spectrum of job roles across the healthcare, logistics, construction, and IT sectors. These initiatives are aimed at providing them an opportunity to become financially independent, self-reliant, and lead respectful lives. For more information, please visit:
We continue to focus on meeting the critical needs of the communities in and around the areas we operate in. We have adapted our interventions to suit the community’s evolving needs and work with local government bodies and other stakeholders to create a holistic impact. In recent times, the focus has been on the fight against COVID-19. Some of the interventions under community development include setting up of Fever Clinics, food & ration distribution and donation of medical equipment.
In association with National Health Mission (Maharashtra), KEC has jointly set up over 65 Fever Clinics in rural Maharashtra to provide quality, affordable and accessible rural healthcare for all in addition to supporting the government in the fight against COVID-19 during challenging times. For more information, please visit:
The Heritage Project aims to bring back the glory of sites of cultural and social importance. The project aspires to bring to life stories of the past and enable masses to relive and experience these stories through practical and innovative approaches. Our flagship project in this initiative is the Banganga Project to revive the oldest, continuously inhabited site in Mumbai, dating back to the 9th Century. The focus is on the revival of the site through art, publications, information dissemination and installation of heritage-themed civic amenities. For more information, please visit: