General Information
Dematerialisation/ Rematerialisation of Shares
Transfer of Shares
Consolidation of Share Certificates/ Folios
Transmission of Shares
Transposition of Names (Change in Order of Names of the joint shareholders)
Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate in case of loss/ misplacement of original share certificate
Nomination Facility
KEC International is a global infrastructure Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) major. It has presence in the verticals of Power Transmission and Distribution, Railways, Solar, Civil, Smart Infrastructure and Cables. The Company is currently executing infrastructure projects in 30 countries and has a footprint in 100+ countries (includes EPC & Supply). It is the flagship Company of the RPG Group.
KEC follows a financial year that begins on April 1 and ends on March 31.
KEC’s Equity Shares are listed on BSE Limited (BSE) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE). The BSE Script Code is “532714” and NSE Script Code is “KEC”.
KEC shares are included in BSE 500 (on BSE) and S&P CNX 500 (on NSE).
KEC's ISIN code is INE389H01022
KEC has 257,088,370 shares outstanding. Face value is Rs. 2/- share
Each fully paid up equity share of face value of Rs. 10/share was split/sub-divided into 5 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2/share each fully paid up with effect from December 31, 2010 (record date).
The Company has 5,797 permanent employees (excluding subsidiaries) as on March 31, 2021
RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 030, India
The Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company is Link Intime India Private Limited and its contact details are as under:
Link Intime India Private Limited, (Unit: KEC International Limited)
C-101, 247 Park, LBS Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai – 400083
Ph No: +91 22 49186000, Fax : +91 22 49186060, E-mail :
Dematerialisation of shares is the process by which shares held by the shareholder in physical form are converted to electronic form and credited to the demat account of the shareholder maintained with the Depository Participant.
In order to dematerialise physical shares, one has to open demat account with the DP and fill in a DRF (Dematerialisation Request Form) which is available with the DP and submit the same along with physical share certificate(s) that is/are to be dematerialised.
The complete process of dematerialisation is summarized below:
Yes. The process is called rematerialization. If one wishes to hold his/her shares in the physical form he/ she has to fill in the RRF (Remat Request Form) which is available with the DP and request his/her DP for rematerialisation of shares held in his/her demat account.
The process of rematerialisation is outlined below:
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) has amended Regulation 40 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) 2015, mandating transfer of securities to be carried out only in dematerialised form with effect from April 1, 2019. In other words, with effect from April 1, 2019, new requests for transfer of securities of listed entities shall not be processed unless the securities are held in the dematerialized form with depositories.
In view of the above, please note that Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company viz., Link Intime India Private Limited shall not accept any new request for transfer of securities in physical form.
The said restriction is however not applicable on transmission (i.e. transfer of title of shares by way of inheritance/ succession) and transposition (i.e. re arrangement/ interchanging of the order of name of the shareholders) of securities.
Shareholders holding shares in dematerialized mode are requested to submit a duly signed delivery instruction slip or such other document as may be required by the concerned Depository Participant for transfer the shares.
For dematerialization of shares & process, please note following points: a) If you have a demat account, please surrender original share certificate to your DP along with Dematerialization Request Form available with DP. b) If you do not have a demat account, please open a demat account in the same name / order as per the name appearing on physical share certificate of face value of Rs. 2/- each of the Company available with you. After opening the demat account, please surrender original share certificate to your Depository Participant (“DP”) along with Dematerialization Request Form available with DP.
Any mismatch in name will lead to non-acceptance of demat request by your DP. Please note that at the time of surrendering shares for demat, you are requested to submit copy of PAN and AADHAAR. The ISIN for demat of shares of the Company is INE389H01022.
In case, you have any queries or need any assistance in this regard, please contact the Registrar & Transfer Agent viz Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.
Yes, you can. Shareholders having various share certificates under the same folio should send a duly signed request letter along with all the certificates to RTA for consolidation of all the shares into a single certificate. In case the shares are held in joint names, all the share certificates shall have the same order of shareholding.
If the shares are held under different folios, but have the same order of names (in case of joint holding), the shareholder should send a duly signed request letter along with all relevant share certificates to RTA for consolidation into one folio.
Consolidation of share certificates/ folios help in saving costs in the event of dematerialization of shares and also provides convenience in holding the shares physically. This will help the shareholders to monitor their holdings efficiently.
In case of a deceased shareholder who held shares in his/ her own name (single) and had left a Will, the legal heir(s) will have to get the Will probated by the Court of competent jurisdiction and then send to the RTA attested copy of the probated Will, death certificate of deceased, copy of PAN card, Address Proof and Signature verification by the Bank and the relevant share certificate(s) in original.
Shareholders holding shares in dematerialized form are requested to contact the concerned DP for transmission of shares.
In case the shareholder dies intestate (without a Will), the heirs will have to get the succession certificate from the Court of competent jurisdiction and then send to the RTA attested copy of the Succession Certificate, along with an attested copy of Death Certificate, copy of PAN card, Address Proof and Signature verification by the Bank and share certificate(s) in original.
No stamp duty is payable on transmission of shares.
Transposition of name(s) is the process of changing the sequence of name(s) as appearing on the Share Certificate(s) and in the Register of Members of the Company.
For shares held in physical form, the request for change in the order of names of registered holders should be made on a plain paper duly signed by all the joint holders and submit along with the original share certificate(s) to the RTA.
Please note that you cannot reduce or increase the number of shareholders. In case the shareholders wish to reduce or increase the number of shareholders, procedure for Transfer of Shares will have to be followed.
For shares held in dematerialized form, shareholders are advised to approach their DP concerned for transposition of the shares of the Company.
Please intimate the RTA of the Company immediately regarding loss of share certificate(s), giving details of folio number(s), certificate number(s) and distinctive numbers, to the extent available.
Further, please also lodge a FIR/Intimation with the local Police Station of your area and send to the RTA an acknowledged copy of the FIR/Intimation.
The RTA will immediately mark 'stop transfer' on the folio to prevent any further transfer of shares covered by the lost share certificate(s).
Shareholder will have to send a duly signed request letter along with the Indemnity Bond, Affidavit and copy of FIR. RTA on verification of documents will issue a duplicate share certificate to the shareholder.
In terms of the indemnity executed and furnished by you, please return the original share certificate(s) to the RTA for cancellation. Further, as the shareholder has been issued duplicate share certificate(s), he/she would be liable to indemnify third party (ies) purchasing the original share certificate(s), directly/indirectly, with or without the knowledge of the original shareholder.
Please submit your application in writing to the RTA, duly signed by all the shareholders in case the shares are held in joint names), requesting for replacement of share certificate(s), enclosing therein the torn, defaced or mutilated share certificate(s).
Shareholder(s) can avail the nomination facility by sending a duly filled in the prescribed Form 2B (available under the tab "Investors") to the RTA. The Form 2B shall be signed by the shareholder or all the joint holders (in case the shares are held in joint names). The RTA, after verifying the signatures of shareholder(s), will register the nomination and intimate shareholder(s) of registration of nomination.
If shares are held in dematerialized form; request for nomination has to be lodged with the concerned DP directly, in the format prescribed by the DP.
The nomination can be made only by individuals holding shares singly or jointly. Non-individuals including a society, body corporate, karta of Hindu Undivided Family and holder of Power of Attorney cannot make nomination.
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law or any testamentary disposition or otherwise, in respect of the shares, where a nomination has been made in accordance with the Companies Act, 1956, the nominee on the death of the shareholder(s) shall become entitled to the rights in the shares of the Company, in relation to such shares.
Yes. Nomination can be made in favour of a minor.
The Companies Act, 1956, provides that the nomination overrides a Will or any other testamentary law /instrument.
The death of one of the joint holders does not rescind the nomination. Nominee will have title to the shares only on the death of all the joint holders.
Upon death of the shareholder or of all the joint shareholders as the case may be, the nominee would be required to furnish the Certified true copy of death certificate of shareholder(s) and the original share certificate for the purposes of transmission of shares in his/ her name.
The RTA, on production of above documents and any further documents, if required, and on being satisfied about the identity of the nominee, will request the nominee elect either to register himself as holder of shares or to transfer the shares. The RTA on receipt of confirmation from the nominee will take the necessary action.
The dividend is paid under two modes viz.-
(a) Through National Electronic Clearing Service (NECS)
(b) Payment through dividend warrants
Please note that the shareholders holding shares in demat form, who have registered their bank details with the DP will receive the dividend directly through NECS.
Reserve Bank of India's NECS facility provides shareholders an option to receive dividend directly in their bank account(s) rather than receiving the same through physical warrant(s). Under this option, the bank account of the shareholder is directly credited and the confirmation thereof is sent by the Company after the transaction is effected. The concerned bank branch credits shareholder's account and indicates the credit entry as "NECS" in his/ her passbook/ statement of account. If any shareholder maintains more than one bank account, payment can be received at any one of his/ her accounts as per the preference of the shareholder. The shareholder does not have to open a new bank account for the purpose.
To avail this facility, the shareholders holding shares in physical form are requested to download the NECS form available under the tab "Investors" and send the same to the RTA.
Shareholders holding shares in dematerialized form, have to lodge their request with the concerned DP, in the format prescribed by the DP.
Shareholders have a right to opt out from this mode of payment by giving advance intimation at least four weeks, prior to payment of dividend, either to the RTA or to the concerned DP, as the case may be.
Sometimes it may happen that the dividend may not get credited in the bank account due to rejection by the receiving bank due to various reasons like Beneficiary name mismatch, IFSC code mismatch, account not operative for a long time or other similar technical reasons. Due to the above said reasons you might have received the dividend through dividend warrant. We request you to provide the correct details of your bank account to the RTA/ DP as the case may be.
Shareholders who have not encashed their dividend warrants within the validity period may send a request of revalidation to the RTA together with such outdated dividend warrants. The RTA after due verification of the records, will arrange to issue a demand draft in lieu of the unencashed dividend warrant(s).
The proceeds of unclaimed / unpaid dividend warrants are required to be transferred to Investors Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) after expiry of 7 years from the date of transferring to the unpaid dividend account of the Company in accordance with the provisions of Section 205A /205C of the Companies Act, 1956. After the transfer of the proceeds to IEPF, no claim of the Investor(s) will be entertained.
The excel sheets containing the investor wise details of unpaid dividends which are not transferred to the IEPF are uploaded on the website of the Company under the tab Investors in 'Other Information'.
The Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company is Link Intime India Private Limited and its contact details are as under:
Link Intime India Private Limited, (Unit: KEC International Limited), C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound, L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (West), Mumbai - 400078, Tel: (022) 25946970, Fax: (022) 25946969, E-mail Id:
The shareholders who want to claim the unpaid dividend will have to submit a duly signed request letter quoting the necessary details of their shareholding along with the format of undertaking to the RTA or the Company Secretary of the Company. On verification of records the RTA would process the request for issuance of demand draft in lieu of unpaid dividend warrants.
All shares of the Company in respect of which dividends have remained unclaimed or un-encashed for seven consecutive years or more, are required to be transferred by the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund ('IEPF') established by the Government of India.
The Shareholder (as well as their legal heirs & representatives) can claim their shares transferred to IEPF Authority.
As per the new guidelines now the claim needs to be made online through web-form IEPF 5. This is new form has become effective from 20th September 2019. Claims filed in physical mode will now be rejected by the IEPF Authority
The claimant should register himself on IEPF website under the link `Forms’. Then, an application can be made in Form IEPF-5 to IEPF authority as per the new guidelines issued along with the prescribed documents. The same can be downloaded from the IEPF website:
After filing of the application in E-form IEPF – 5, the claimant needs to send all the original documents to the Nodal Officer of the Company as soon as possible as incase the documents are not received by the Company, the Company can reject the claim.
1. Print out of duly filled claim form with claimant signature and if joint holders are involved than the Form should be signed by all the joint holders along with annexures submitted with form
2. Copy of acknowledgement generated after uploading the claim Form IEPF 5.
3. Indemnity Bond and Advance receipt (original) auto generated after uploading the claim Form IEPF 5 with signature of claimant and witness and after affixing requisite stamp and advance receipt.
4. In case of refund of matured deposit or debenture or bond or where shares (in physical form) are claimed, original certificate/shares thereto.
5. Original Cancelled Cheque leaf, Self-attested copy of Client Master List.
6. In case any Joint holder is deceased, Copy of Death certificate to be attached.
7. Self-attested copy of Aadhaar Card, Copy of Passport, OCI and PIO card in case of foreigners and NRI duly apostilized.
8. In cases of transmission, loss of original shares, mismatch in name and address etc., relevant documents as mentioned in Schedule II, III and IV respectively
9. Any other document relevant to prove entitlement of the claimant.
In such case, as per SEBI Guidelines, an affidavit explaining the above deviation needs to be submitted.
In case of mismatch in name, proof of name as on share certificate or change of name viz. marriage certificate, gazette notification etc. needs to be submitted.
In case of mismatch in address, new address needs to be updated with the company.
In case the original holder of shares is deceased then the claimant must first follow the procedure of transmitting the shares in his own name and only then should he file the claim to the IEPF Authority for claiming the shares.
The claimant must first obtain the Entitlement proof from the Company- i.e. proof that he is eligible to claim the shares from IEPF Authority and the follow the same procedure as prescribed above.
The company can reject such claims due to non-receipt of original documents from the claimant.
KEC International Limited endeavors to ensure that the information and data in this section is correct and complete, but does not accept liability for any error made or omission from this section. KEC International Limited shall not be liable for any claims or losses of any nature, arising directly or indirectly from use of the information or data on this section or unauthorized access to this section or otherwise howsoever arising, except to the extent required by law.